Solgar Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus is a non-dairy formulation containing 4 specially cultured strains of beneficial microorganisms. Solgar Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus Vegetable Capsules is a non-dairy formulation containing 4 strains of specially cultured strains of L. acidophilus, LA-5 , B. lactis, BB-12 , L. paracasei, L. CASEI 431 and L. rhamnosus GG, LGG . Each capsule provides 1.25 billion especially cultured strains of the 4 types of strains, beneficial microorganisms that survive stomach acidity and naturally reside in the lower digestive tract. Solgar Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus is a safe way to increase the level of friendly bacteria in your gut. The strains in this formula have been granted Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
features of Solgar Advanced Multi-billion Dophilus
- Supporting acute digestive health needs
- Restores and maintains a healthy and balanced gut flora
- Fights digestive discomfort associated with antibiotics and yeast infection
- Supports gut health
- Helps prevent or repair “leaky gut” syndrome
- Strengthens the immune system and reduces infections
- Reduces the growth of pathogenic bacteria and mold
- Helps reduce the production of inflammatory substances
Reduce gastrointestinal effects of psychological stress