Applied Nutrition iDrive, 120 Capsules, Supports Insulin Release, Increase Protein Synthesis, Inhibit Protein Breakdown
Applied Nutrition Idrive is a Glucose Disposal Agent Designed to Improve Insulin Sensitivity and Enhance the Effect of Insulin on Your Body. Insulin is Responsible for Transporting Nutrients Into Muscle Glycogen, So if You Can Control and Enhance the Effects of Insulin, More Nutrients Will Be Stored as Muscle Glycogen Rather Than as Unwanted Body Fat. And Insulin Has the Ability to Increase Protein Synthesis, Prevent Protein Breakdown, and Push Amino Acids, Creatine, and Other Vital Nutrients Into Muscle Tissue, Helping Your Body Store the Glucose It Carries as Glycogen (Gda) in Your Muscles Instead of Being Fat. This Can Create a Powerful Glycogen Pump and Improve Muscle Fullness. I-drive is Ideal to Take Before Eating High-carb Meals Because It Will Transfer More of the Consumed Carbohydrates Into Muscle Tissue Instead of Storing Them in the Body as Unwanted Fat.
Features of Applied Nutrition I Drive
- Pushing Amino Acids and Creatine Into Muscle Tissue
- Helps Get Rid of Glucose
- Improving Insulin Sensitivity
- Enhancing the Effect of Insulin on Your Body
- Transfer of Nutrients Into Muscle Glycogen
- Helps Increase Protein Synthesis
- Helps Prevent Protein Breakdown
- Converting Consumed Carbohydrates Into Muscle Tissue
- Carbohydrates Are Not Stored in the Body as Fat.